Autumn is a busy time for homeowners. As much as the cooler weather is a respite from the hot and humid days of July and August, it’s a sure sign that the cold and snow of winter is just around the corner! So—we put away the patio furniture (√); clean up and store the lawnmower and yard tools (√); do a maintenance check on the furnace (√); and schedule the septic tank cleaning (√).
If the septic tank cleaning isn’t on your autumn check list, it probably should be! C&L Sanitation has been pumping septic tanks in northwest Ohio for 50 years. We have been maintaining customer pumping records for almost that long; and if you call us, we can tell you the size of your septic tank and the last time your septic system was pumped. Our customers are sent friendly “recall reminder notices” to make sure that your septic tank (based on the size of the tank, family size, and number of bathrooms) is pumped on a regular basis.
Regular maintenance for your septic system makes good sense. Homeowner peace of mind is important--not having to worry about septic tank problems makes the snow and cold a little more bearable! Call C&L Sanitation today. Our pumping schedule allows for service at your convenience. (AND you can √ one more thing off that list!)