Graduation Party Season Ahead!

Do you have a son or daughter graduating from high school or college this year?  It’s a BIG milestone in your child’s life AND certainly worthy of a BIG celebration!  Your plans include a gathering for family and friends at your home -- and you're well-prepared:

(√) Guest list
(√) Food and drink
(√) Canopy and tables/chairs
(√) Cake
(√) Entertainment and games
(√) Decorations

Aren’t you forgetting something?  What about a portable restroom for your guests?

C&L Sanitation has been providing restrooms for family celebrations for over four decades.  Our products include the familiar stand-alone portable restroom and a variety of restroom trailers.  Friendly service technicians can help you place the restroom unit so as not to distract from canopies and outdoor games.  (Keep in mind, too, that a portable restroom eliminates the wear and tear on your indoor bathroom!).

Give us a call today.  C&L Sanitation has the restroom you need to assure that your celebration will be remembered by family and friends as a special day in your son or daughter’s life journey!